Transgender Education and Outreach
Eastern PA Trans Equity Project is committed to educating the public about transgender people, the issues that affect them and how they can become allies to our community.
Celebrating Our Diversity
Our vision is to create communities where differences are celebrated, and all people are valued no matter their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
We offer a number of opportunities for transgender education and outreach where individuals and organizations can learn more through training seminars, speaking engagements, events, policy recommendations, resource guides and more.
If you would like information about engaging us to speak at your school, company or event please contact us.

Workshops, Training and Public Speaking
- If your organization is seeking to become more trans-inclusive or you simply want to learn more about the experience of being transgender from a transgender person we can assist. Click here for seminars and programs.

Community Events
- Transgender Day of Visibility – Each Spring we develop a community education program focused on telling the stories of transgender people including our triumphs and challenges
- Transgender Day of Remembrance – Transgender people are subject to high rates of violence and, unfortunately, high rates of homicide due to hate crimes. November 21st is the day we remember and honor our victims so that their names are never forgotten.

Educational Materials
- As part of our transgender education and outreach efforts we offer a wide array of downloadable materials and on-line video content that covers a wide range of topics from legal name change processes to health issues to coming out at work. Best of all, every one of these items is available free of charge!

Community Outreach
- Whether it is at a local Pride Festival, Foodie Event or Health Fair make sure you are looking for Eastern PA Trans Equity Project’s table. Stop by for a to meet us and have a great conversation!

Support Groups and Resources
- Eastern PA Trans Equity Project sponsors support groups for transgender folk, gender non-binary people and spouses/partners. These meetings offer opportunities to learn from peers and guest speakers. We also offer a robust list of helpful resources for transgender people.

Media Appearances and News Stories
- Make sure to look for us on your local TV or in your Newspaper! We are always seeking to spread the word about trans inclusion so if your media company is seeking input on a news story that is related to transgender and Gender-Diverse topics our organization can assist you in finding the right person to talk to. Contact Us Today!

Advocacy For Gender-Diverse People
- Eastern PA Trans Equity Project’s executive leadership and Board members regularly advocate on behalf of the transgender community with government and community leaders so that transgender people are empowered to live equal and positive lives.